Tips to get more water into your day



AMAZING WEIGHT LOSSES THIS WEEK AT BEEWEIGHED – a total of 141lbs gone forever!! Well done every single one of you.

We welcomed lovely new members, Kirsty, Rachel, Monika, Gav, Jackie and Jayne have a great first week everyone. 

Special mentions for the HALL OF FAME:-


Super sevens went to Chantelle, Mark, Mike, Matt, Babs and Jenette.

Julie R got her fourth stone award!!!

Jeanette, Jason, Lynda, Jane got their stone awards  slimmers of the week Cha tells, Lorraine, Mark, Mike, Guy, Joanna, Kath, Jo, Jenette and Sarah.

Fab five awards went to Kath and Tania.

The average person needs 2 litres a day, we discussed the importance of drinking more water and the benefits it has.


So a fair few stated they struggle to drink water this was because, either they don’t like it or that they ‘just forget’, so we discussed how we can deal with both to ensure we get enough our body needs:-

  • If you don’t like the taste – add fruit, cucumber, lemon etc.  Get yourself a fruit fusion bottle, it really does help and takes the plain taste away, add low sugar cordials or try sparkling water instead.  Remember what I said that week I had cucumber water – I lost 3lb and that wasn’t doing anything different with my diet.
  • If you’re one of the members who ‘just forget’ a few tips to help you get into the habit of drinking more:-
  • Drink a glass every bathroom break 
  • Drink a glass before every meal, this can also help you to not overeat as your tummy will be fuller
  • Invest in a water bottle or two – the ones with the time tracker lines are really useful and literally 3 sucks every hour!  Have one on the go and one in the fridge so you always have cold water ready.
  • Use larger glasses!

The biggest thing to remember is WATER IS GOOD FOR YOU and will help with your weight loss.

Who’s ready to make a conscious effort to drink more this week and see what difference it makes at the scales?

Have a fab week everyone, you know where I am if you need me.

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