Category: NEWS


Fasting has become more and more popular over the past few years. Previous advice to always eat breakfast or to never skip meals is much

Nutrition & Hydration

Health & Wellbeing We all know that good nutrition is essential for our health and wellbeing.  It helps to know exactly why. This week across

Salt & Dieting Excuses

Salt is an important mineral in our diet, we do need some salt to survive however we should be eating no more than 6g a

Enjoying Easter & Staying on Track

Easter doesn’t need to bring your diet crashing down.  You can still have a good time without the diet disaster! This week across all four

Portion Control

Portion control helps prevent over-eating and plays a huge part in any diet when losing weight Across all four meetings this week a total of


Ever given up on a diet because you were fed up of eating the same foods and got bored? This week we discussed dealing with