Different Types of Fasting

Fasting has become more and more popular over the past few years.

Previous advice to always eat breakfast or to never skip meals is much less current and in its place is advice to do some form of fasting.  This can really benefit your body and gives it time to rest and repair, helping with dieting and weight loss.

We discussed FASTING this week and the different types, albeit not all are recommended!

The 5:2 method. This is a very fashionable approach to intermittent fasting, two days a week you eat 500 calories (women and 600 calories (men) then the other five days you eat ‘normal’. A few members stated this is a method they use or have used in the past and has really helped with weight losses.

Another one that is recommended is to only eat during an 8/10/12 hour window and allow your body to rest and repair during the 16/14/12 hours – this was the most popular as members that don’t tend to eat breakfast found this easy as their first meal maybe around 11am-12pm then they don’t eat after 7pm/8pm, again this has helped with weight losses when members have stuck to this approach.

The ones that weren’t as popular:-

Warrior – You eat just fruit and vegetables all day then have a large evening meal – almost everyone agreed this would not be something they would want to do.

Alternate Day Fasting – Literally one day you eat and the alternate day you don’t eat – again this one didn’t go down very well! 🙁

This week’s results….

Haughton Green lost a whopping 43 marbles. We welcomed new members Marion and Vicky, have a great first week ladies.

Susannah got her super seven award and Slimmer of the week went to Lisa xxx

Massive well done to my lovely Longsight members 66 marbles gone 👏👏👏

Karen got her super seven and also Slimmer of the Week along with Melissa Husraz.

Denton did fab also this week, 48 marbles gone!!! Helen Russell for her half a stone, Janet got her stone and a half, Jane got her two and a half stone and slimmer of the week went to Michelle.

Zoom and remote members had some amazing losses. Big shout out to Helen, joined ten weeks ago and has lost a massive 20lbs in that time following a Keto diet.

Have a great week everyone xxx

This week’s results…..

Haughton Green lost a whopping 43 marbles. We welcomed new members Marion and Vicky, have a great first week ladies.

Susannah got her super seven award and Slimmer of the week went to Lisa xxx

Massive well done to my lovely Longsight members 66 marbles gone 👏👏👏

Karen got her super seven and also Slimmer of the Week along with Melissa Husraz.

Denton did fab also this week, 48 marbles gone!!! Helen Russell for her half a stone, Janet got her stone and a half, Jane got her two and a half stone and slimmer of the week went to Michelle.

Zoom and remote members had some amazing losses. Big shout out to Helen, joined ten weeks ago and has lost a massive 20lbs in that time following a Keto diet.

Have a great week everyone.💪💪


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Portion Control

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