Sometimes speed eating is hard to avoid, you’ve overslept and scoffed down a quick breakfast before work, for example.  But regularly racing through your meals could be taking it’s toll on your waistline.

This week at BEEWEIGHED we discussed adopting Mindful Eating into your lifestyle to help with your weight loss goals.

Change Habits

  • Eat slowly – don’t be the first to finsh.  Watch the speed your companion is eating and try and mirror it.
  • Savour every single mouthful, we are supposed to chew our foods 30 times, we don’t have to be that strict but we should chew until it has been chewed properly, this in turn makes it easier for your body to digest and helps with constipation.
  • Have quality foods not quantity.
  • Pay attention to your body’s signals, stop before you are full, leave food if you are satisfied.  However if you can’t do this only put on your plate what your body needs or get a smaller plate.
  • Have a glass of water with every meal.  Water is natures natural food suppressant.
  • Eat at the table if you don’t have a table be sure to turn off the TV and don’t have your phone by your side.
  • Eat before you get hungry – if you skip a meal it can lead to impulsive choices.
  • Consider where foods come from and appreciate your food.
  • Enjoy nutritious foods, learn to enjoy them rather than eating them just because they are low calorie etc.
  • Put your knife and fork down after every mouthful or if you don’t feel that is an option, don’t pile your next fork full until you have finished what is in your mouth.

Across all seven meetings this week a total of 157 marbles lost – that is 78 1/2 lbs, that’s Over five stone!!!  well done everyone.  We welcomed new members Melissa, Abi, Chrissie, Julie and Karen – have a great first week ladies.


  • Super Sevens went to Lucy, Chrissie and Daniela
  • Jeanette got her stone and a half award
  • Rose got her two and a half stone award
  • Fab Five% awards went to Paula, Gav and Jane
  • Last but by no means least the lovely Lynda got to her target weight after losing a whopping 17lbs!

Massive well done everyone I am super proud of every single one of you.

Tracking Food When Dieting

When it comes to successful weight loss, one of the most effective tools you can use is food tracking. Whether you’re attending one of our Beeweighed Slimming

Portion Control

At BeeWeighed Slimming Group, we’re passionate about helping people not only lose weight but maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle. A key aspect of this is portion control,